Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving from Garapua, Bahia

Happy Thanksgiving to our friends and family back home.  Today is the first day that homesickness has come upon us.  We are missing you all and send you our love!  Since finding a turkey is a little difficult in a small fishing village we decided to treat the kids to lobster, a local luxury item, and clams, plus of course the everyday rice and beans.  Dinner was amazing as usual.  Not sure if we have ever mentioned this but this house comes with a cook.  Amparo prepares all three meals for us and does all the dishes.  This has been AWESOME!  On the positive, she is a very good cook, on the negative, it is weird having someone live in the same house as you while on vacation.  As tradition, we went around the table and stated things we are thankful for.  The items stated were very different from any year's past....carpet, hot water heaters, elongated toilet seats, absorbent napkins, window screens, central air conditioning, strict traffic laws, cereal, garbage disposal, modest clothing, semi-reliable internet, and quilted toilet paper to name a few.  Annette and Brad are very thankful for the opportunity to come to  a foreign country where their children could come up with such a list.   We are truly blessed in the United States, and have so much to be thankful for.

Yummy lobster; we got a lesson of the different breeds of lobsters from a local

Not sure if this looks gross or good???  They are alive until they hit the pot of boiling water.

Flavio, a local who helped make arrangements with a fisherman for our Thanksgiving feast
Our clams dumped off on our very muddy doorstep.  It has rained here for two days straight.
Yummy lobster, clams, potatoes, rice and beans, and limes.

Derek is intrigued by its eyeballs

It may not be turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, corn, and stuffing, but it will do. :)


Island Tour of Tinhare Island on "Capitao Pipoca"

On Saturday, November 23rd we toured the island on the "Capitao Pipoca", aka Captain Popcorn.  We waded out to the old wooden ship at 8:00 to begin our journey.  The ship moved at a very slow pace allowing us to really enjoy the large ocean swells. :) The water was crystal blue.  We saw dolphins, and skipping fish.  Our first stop was at the village/beach of Morere.  One of the most beautiful places we have seen while in Brazil.  There were tide pools and reef about a half mile off the coast full of fish and shells.  The water was high enough for the boat to float through.  The water was so crystal clear, we could see the bottom.  While in the village of Morere we met a couple from England that owned a Pousada (bed and breakfast) there for the past five years.  He has written a book entitled, "Paradise my Ass" detailing the difficulties and joys of owning property on the farthest point from civilization on the island. The couple witnessed the tsunami in Thailand December 26th, 2004.  After surviving the experience they decided to live the life they always dreamed about.  They quit their secure jobs in the UK, sold all their belongings and bought an existing Pousada, in complete disrepair, in Brazil.  Their story is pretty fascinating.  Brad and Annette bought the ebook online for $1.99 and read it in amazement, wondering if something like that is in the future.

Our next stop was Boipeba.  Boipeba is the location where the river that splits the island meets the Atlantic ocean.   It is a tourist location full of restaurants, bars, and shops selling local souveniers.  It was okay but not our favorite stop. The kids enjoyed hamburgers while Brad and Annette devoured a large platter of lobster.

Our third and final stop was the village of Canavieiras, up the river an hour from Boipeba, where we pulled up to one of many oyster bars floating on the river.  We pulled the boat over and hopped off as if we were stopping at Sonic for a milk shake.  This was fast food, Brazilian style.  We had raw and cooked oysters, cooked clams, and crab.  Everything was alive in the ocean until we ordered and they pulled the food out for us to see.  The kids weren't huge fans of the raw oysters but were good sports to try them.  The crab was the favored entree by far.

After Canavieiras it was getting late.  We had no desire to head back in the very slow boat in the dark so we were picked up in Boipeba by jeep and taken home on land.  Incredible day!

Leaving Garapua on "Capitao Pipoca" for our day-long journey

The first 45 minutes are all smiles :)

It took us 2 hours to get to our first destination, the boat was very slow and the ocean swells high.  1 hour into the ride the excitement wore off and everyone was flat on their backs, hoping not to get sea sick.

                                                                Waters of Morere

                                                                Crystal clear water

anchoring off in Morere
Doing backflips off the boat

                          Playing games of "loser" and "kings corner" to pass our time at sea.

The beach of Morere in the background
Lunch in Boipeba

The tourist town of Boipeba, this is a picture of the river side; kind of ugly compared to the crystal blue water on the Atlantic side.

Enjoying lunch in Boipeba

The oyster bar on the river in Canavieiras

Other oyster bars in the background.

Trying a raw oyster

Taryn not a fan of raw oysters, at this point we asked them to cook them

Capitao Pipoca docked at the oyster bar

Carson holding up live crabs

Overlooking the live fish cages

About to leave the oyster bar; what a great experience.

On our way back down the river.  We are all exhausted

All of us passed out on the boat

Departing our good friend "Capitao Pipoca" and our driver GuGu. (Brazilians are really into nick names)

The jeep ride home from Boibepa as the sun is setting.  Awesome day!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Playing on the beach in Garapua, Bahia - Ilha de Tinhare

The beach in front of our house in Garapua is beautiful.  The water is so clear and clean.  When the sun is shining it turns different shades of green and blue.  The pictures look edited but they aren't.  The sand is so clean and almost white.  The beach is 1 mile long so we take walks every day looking for sea shells and sand dollars.   When the tide is low the beach is wide and flat so it becomes the town playground and there are some great coral reefs and tide pools at each end of the bay for exploring.  We go swimming and play on the paddle board pretty much all day right in front of our house.  There are coconut trees surrounding the entire beach.  They sway in the breeze and create great scenery and pictures.  Even the locals that have lived here their entire lives appreciate it and realize they have a piece of paradise right in their backyard.

Video of playing on the beach in Garapua

On our way to the tide pools.

Low tide out on a sand bar by the tide pools.

Brad on the paddle board.

Derek playing in the sand.  He wishes his 1st Grade class at Haley Elementary could be playing with him.

Taryn, Maile and Annette lounging by the water.

Brad coming out of the water with the paddle board.  

Taryn showing up her brother in horseshoes.

Carson throwing another ringer.

The girls showing their treasures from the tide pools.
View of the beach from our patio.
Annette with her sand dollars.

We find at least 10 sand dollars every day.

Taryn with a big sand dollar.

Annette on the paddle board.

Hannah on the paddle board.

Derek and Maile hanging out in the warm water.  Our house is the 2-story with the brown roof.

Natural pools of Garapua taken form the paddle board.  This is a sand bar in the middle of the coral reef 1 mile off the shore.

Natural pools with coral reef under the water.  The water is 2-3 feet deep.

The natural pools are a big tourist attraction and boat loads of people come every day.