Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving from Garapua, Bahia

Happy Thanksgiving to our friends and family back home.  Today is the first day that homesickness has come upon us.  We are missing you all and send you our love!  Since finding a turkey is a little difficult in a small fishing village we decided to treat the kids to lobster, a local luxury item, and clams, plus of course the everyday rice and beans.  Dinner was amazing as usual.  Not sure if we have ever mentioned this but this house comes with a cook.  Amparo prepares all three meals for us and does all the dishes.  This has been AWESOME!  On the positive, she is a very good cook, on the negative, it is weird having someone live in the same house as you while on vacation.  As tradition, we went around the table and stated things we are thankful for.  The items stated were very different from any year's past....carpet, hot water heaters, elongated toilet seats, absorbent napkins, window screens, central air conditioning, strict traffic laws, cereal, garbage disposal, modest clothing, semi-reliable internet, and quilted toilet paper to name a few.  Annette and Brad are very thankful for the opportunity to come to  a foreign country where their children could come up with such a list.   We are truly blessed in the United States, and have so much to be thankful for.

Yummy lobster; we got a lesson of the different breeds of lobsters from a local

Not sure if this looks gross or good???  They are alive until they hit the pot of boiling water.

Flavio, a local who helped make arrangements with a fisherman for our Thanksgiving feast
Our clams dumped off on our very muddy doorstep.  It has rained here for two days straight.
Yummy lobster, clams, potatoes, rice and beans, and limes.

Derek is intrigued by its eyeballs

It may not be turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, corn, and stuffing, but it will do. :)



  1. I thought about you guys on turkey day! i'm glad you were able to have a special dinner and keep up the spirit of thanksgiving!!! hey, lobster beats turkey any day in my opinion! but perhaps not on thanksgiving day!

  2. Sydney says "I love clams! No fair!" Looks delicious!
