Thursday, December 26, 2013

Final days in Garapua, Bahia, Brazil

Garapua will have a special place in all of our hearts forever.  There is nothing like it and really no words to describe this simple village that seems to be stuck in time.  We gained many friendships and learned life lessons from a people that at first glance may seem uncivilized.  They accepted this loud, funny sounding family from America with open arms.  When asked when we were coming back it was difficult to answer honestly. Even though we will probably not see our friends in Garapua again, we will remember them for the rest of our lives.
Good bye Garapua

One of the fishing boats parked at low tide

Carson all saddled up, he rode up and down the beach

Derek with Giovanni and Giovanni's cousin

Local transportation

Local fishermen pulling in their net

Julien taking Taryn for a ride on the beach

Derek hanging out with Pipoca, we loved his ice cold Guarana and Coke Zero.  The first few weeks we were in Garapua Derek said he loved to hang out with Pipoca because he would give him a Guarana whenever he asked for one.  Needless to say, our tab at the Kiosk was quite large.

A friendly family tournament of modified tennis/ping pong???  Brad won.

Taryn's friends

More village transportation

Hannah's favorite find.

The credit card steps on the back of Pipoca's kiosk.  To use your credit card you have to climb the stairs and finalize your transaction on the roof; it is the only spot where an internet signal comes through.  No one thinks twice about it; so funny.

Carson and Gabriel

Our luggage stacked on the boat to Valenca, Derek asleep on the bench.  Once in Valenca we will catch a bus to Ilheus.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you'll miss this place! What a wonderful place, and how wonderful experiences you guys had there!!! I'll miss it too (from your blog!).
